Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I’m behind in both blogging and journaling. It has become difficult to catch up due to all the exciting events that are happening here in India. Upon arriving at the medical school in Kuppam approximately 3 short days ago, we were greeted with the most extravagant welcome I have ever received. The instructors and students of the school were waiting for our arrival to give us the traditional red dot on our forehead and a large necklace strung with multiple types of freshly cut flowers. We have been through multiple tours and introductions of the various people and medical centers of the area. All of which seem extremely excited to have us. My most favorite welcome was the cultural exchange that the Indian medical students performed for us. It was a fantastic exhibit of dance from traditional and religious to hip hop (better than we could perform by the way). My mouth gaped watching their talent and the beautiful glittering costumes. Their skills were very impressive and I think I speak for the rest of the group when I say I had a combination of goose bumps and nausea when I considered the cultural exchange we would be performing four days later. If you have any brilliant ideas of ways to express American culture in singing or dancing form with only a tambourine, keyboard, and conga pretty please let us know. Following an act like that I shudder at the representation of the United States we will portray. Please cross your fingers and hope for the best!!!!

1 comment:

  1. wow. i am thrilled to see how open you all appear to be to the differences in the two medical systems. as a westerner who received surgery while in delhi, i have a different perspective from most. yes they are less obsessed with cleanliness and a trifle too dependent on antibiotics, but they are more holistic in their approach. bravo to all of you for leaving your preconceptions at the border.
