Thursday, January 1, 2009


We spent today in Bangalore. First, we visited a Hare Krishna temple and went through it like the locals, removing our shoes and walking through. It was very interesting to see the way they worship and how it was made to accommodate so many people. After the temple, we drove around the city and stopped at a westernized shopping mall. The mall was very similar to any mall in the US. From there we drove to a more outdoor shopping area. It was so great to experience the locals and barter with them. We found one shop that would make traditional Indian clothing tailored for you and was very reasonably priced. The woman who ran the shop, Osha, was very friendly and answered questions we had. Needless to say, a few of us purchased beautiful outfits. 
Overall, it was a very great first day in the culture. There are just countless things to look at, smell and observe around you, I am just trying to soak it all in. Katie S. and I were talking and she said she wishes she had three pairs of eyes to fully capture everything going on around us. The weather could not be better. Not to brag but the days are so nice and warm, but not overly humid. The evenings, like tonight, are cool and comfortable, the warm scent of curry and incense hanging in the breeze. This place is not like any I have experienced. I just got in from watching the sunset on our rooftop. And now I have to go to eat dinner. 


  1. Sounds soooooooo wonderful!!!!! Love you Janelle!!

  2. Sounds amazing. What a wonderful opportunity for you all. We're expecting a high of 25 degrees on Saturday!! Tell Karlie I'll be thinking of her when I'm putting in tip-ups at the cabin. Enjoy and embrace all that your experiencing - and be safe. Karlie's Mom.

  3. Your posting thawed me out after coming in from a dog walk! I hope to see lots of photos (and souvenirs upon your return) to go along with all these experiences! What a fabulous trip...(How many "Kates" are in the group?)
    Barb S., one of the Kate's Moms
