Saturday, January 3, 2009


What can I say about today that hasn't already been said? I guess I'll tell you about our interactions with some of the local people. Beggers swarm us, Indian tourists are curious, and vendors love to sell us stuff. When we were on the bus today at the nature reserve, there weren't quite enough seats for everyone, so some of the small children sat on laps or stood. Ben and I got to make new friends! These families were very nice and let their kids (both were boys about 2 years old) sit with us so they could get a good view. He was so cute! He got really excited when I told him we were going to see the lions next. I even got a little "roar" out of him. For me, it gets hard to remember not all Indians are out to get money from us. It was really great to see families out enjoying a beautiful Saturday that were willing to open up to complete strangers, if only for an hour.


  1. Read all the postings from the Safari Adventure, Oh My!! Awesome

  2. Continues to sound wonderful. 12 below this morning with wind chills don't want to know. Mom
